Wednesday 9 July 2014

Science And Math Majors Earn The Most Money After Graduation

Engineering Student Computer

Students studying science or math in college have a higher employment rate and salary than other majors after graduation, according to a new report from the Department of Education.

The DOE report looked at four years of data on college graduates and found that STEM majors — science, technology, engineering, and math — on average earn $ 65,000, while non-STEM majors earned about $ 15,500 less. STEM majors were also more likely to be employed and hold only one full-time job, rather than a part-time job or multiple jobs.

Overall, the information clearly pointed to the advantages of studying a STEM field in terms of employment and salary. As the Associated Press reports,

The survey found a strong correlation between earning money and highly specialized degrees. More than 95 percent of grads who studied computer and information sciences, for example, were employed full-time at the time of the survey and earned $ 72,600 on average. Engineering students reported similar job and salary prospects. That’s compared with a humanities graduate who was more likely to report working multiple jobs and earn a full-time salary averaging only $ 43,100.

According to the DOE survey, engineering and engineering technology was the highest paying degree, with an average annual salary of $ 73,700.

Here are the average salaries for STEM majors and non-STEM majors, as well as a breakdown of how much students with specific degrees earn:

  • STEM major (overall) — $ 65,000

  • Computer and information sciences — $ 72,600

  • Engineering and engineering technology — $ 73,700

  • Biological and physical sciences, science technology, mathematics, and agricultural sciences — $ 50,400

  • Non-STEM majors (overall) — $ 49,500

  • General studies — $ 53,700

  • Social sciences — $ 46,700

  • Humanities — $ 43,100

  • Health care fields — $ 58,900

  • Business — $ 55,500

  • Education —$ 40,500

Read the full Department of Education report here >>

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