Friday 25 July 2014

Harvard Students Just Invented Microwavable 'Spray Cake In A Can'

Leave it to the students of the ivy league to fill the void of what we’re really missing in life. In this case, it’s microwavable cake batter that comes in a spray can.


We know, we know. How come you didn’t think of that? We’re all in the same boat. 

John McCallum and Brooke Nowakowski are both rising juniors at Harvard, and they have invented “Spray Cake” thanks to a group project assignment where McCallum admitted, “we just wanted to do something where we could eat a lot of cake.”


The ingredients are the same as any box mix, sans the baking soda or powder as the can produces its own air bubbles. When you spray the cake onto a pan, CBS4 reports, it comes out pre risin and takes less time to cook. 

Much less time, in fact. It only takes 60 seconds in the microwave to turn into a fluffy cake. Another perk? You pick your portion size. 


The students were shocked to find that they were the first to think of sprayable cake. Nowakowski says when they went looking for a patent for their creation they couldn’t find anything else even remotely similar.

Spray Cake then took the prize of The Ad Club’s “Brand-a-thon” with a campaign created by NAIL Communications, CBS4 reports.

“I took the class as a fun way to get a gen ed requirement,” McCallum said, “and now it’s a business.”

The business partners say they found a seller and are currently searching for a manufacturer. 

Watch the full interview with CBS4 below:


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