Wednesday 17 September 2014

This Professor Lives In A 6x6-Foot Dumpster, The World's Smallest House

dumpster jeff wilson 2

Jeff Wilson lives in a dumpster.

It’s not what it sounds like: Wilson is an environmental science professor and dean at Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, Texas, and he’s working with his students and a team of experts to transform that dumpster into a sustainable home that costs under $ 10,000.

He uses the alter-ego “Professor Dumpster.”

“Professor Dumpster will be spending one year in a dumpster that is approximately 6 feet x 6 feet, or about 1% the size of the average new American home. Professor Dumpster, in his bid to become part of the ‘new 1%’ will strive to use 1% the water, 1% the energy, and create 1% the waste of the average American home,” reads The Dumpster Project website.

We first came across Wilson over at The Atlantic, where they describe his downsizing from a 2,500-square-foot house to a 500-square-foot apartment and finally to the 36-square-foot dumpster. For reference, that’s 152 square feet less than the self-proclaimed “world’s smallest house” in London, 204 square feet less than a typical $ 30,000 tiny house, and 92 square feet smaller than the tiny house in which a Business Insider reporter spent the weekend with her mom.

We were so intrigued by Wilson’s project that we reached out to Team Dumpster to see if it had photos to share. We’ve published them here with the group’s permission.

The Dumpster Project will be completed in three phases, starting when Wilson took occupancy in February 2014: camping in a bare-bones dumpster (shown here); living in a dumpster “home,” with additions such as storage and a bed; and then fine-tuning the dumpster into the ultimate sustainable home.

Earlier in stage two, the project’s current stage, a fake floor was installed to store Wilson’s belongings and limited wardrobe.

Later in this stage, the dumpster will be hooked up to electricity and water. Measurements will be taken of how much of these resources Wilson requires to be comfortable.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

This Professor Lives In A 6x6-Foot Dumpster, The World's Smallest House

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