Thursday 28 August 2014

The Right and Wrong Way to Eat Sushi: A Primer’s food channel, Munchies, spent time with Naomichi Yasuda and learned the dos and don’ts of eating sushi. And they kindly summarized some practices that are permitted and verboten.

  1. It’s okay to use your fingers to eat cut sushi rolls.

  2. Don’t combine ginger and sushi, or ginger and soy sauce. Ginger is a palate cleanser in between bites.

  3. When dipping sushi into soy sauce, dip fish-side down.

  4. Never shake soy sauce off of sushi. That’s like shaking your wanker in public.

The video above just begins to scratch the surface. If you head over to TheSushiFAQ, you can find a long list of rules and suggestions that will round out your sushi-eating etiquette. Here are some additional tips to keep in mind: Never put wasabi directly in the shoyu dish. And know that Sashimi is only to be eaten with your chopsticks, not with your hands. Got it? There will be a quiz tomorrow.

via Kottke/Munchies

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